从形态学、解剖学、资源分布、营养生长节律,繁殖和种子生物学等方面对蓬作了探讨,并进行了初步的栽培试验和果实成分的分析及加工试验.结果表明:蓬 (RubushirsutusThunb.)分布广,资源丰富,适应性和抗逆性强,果实的食用价值较高,是浙江悬钩子属植物中具有引种、驯化、育种价值和开发利用前景的野生种之一.
The biological characters of Rubus hirsutus Thunb.were studied in this paper. It wasconcerned with its morphology,anatomy,distribution and the rhythurn of growth and developrnent,especially with some respects of biology.And the cultural test was preliminarily carried out. Theusing foreground of the fruits was evaluated with determination of the fruit ingredients.The resultsof study indicated that R. hirsutus was of the wide distrbution and rich resource and that it had thebetter adaptability to environrnent, the resistance to adverse circurnstance and the edibility of thefruits Among the wild plants of the genus Rubus,R.hirsulus had a bright future of exploitation anddomestication in Southeastern China.