49 patients were divided into Group A and B. 24 patients in A group weretreated with amlodiprine together with low dose captopril and 25 patients in group B were given o-ral amlodiprine alone for 8 weeks. The effective rate of lowering blood pressure in stage I and I was 94. 44% in group A and 65. 00% in group B (P<0. 05). The effective rate of lowering blood pressure in stage I was 83. 33% in group A and 100% in group B (P>0. 05). The incidence of adverse effects was 4. 1% in group A and 20% in group B (P<0. 05). Our results suggest that amlodiprine together with captopril could increase the effect of reducing blood pressure and reduce the side effects of the drug.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology