The insect growth regulator, diflubenzu- ron(TH 6040) , was tested in controlling house-fly in the laboratory.The results showed that when it was used to treating eggs of house-fly with the 0.06‰. solution the hatch-inhibiting rate was 98.7%, treating 1st and 2nd instars larvae with the same solution the killing rate was 100% in 48 h. There was no effective for 3rd instars larvae, but it can inhibite the pupal emergence.The residual activity of 0.06‰. solution of TH 6040 was determined up to 120 days, at this time the mortality of 2nd instars larvae was 100%. 3rd instars larvae was no effected, but there was no any adults emerge from the pupae. Therefor, TH 6040 was suitable for killing earlyinstars larvae of housefly, it was no effect for late 3rd instars larvae.When both sexes were fed with 0.01% solution of TH 6040 for 7 days and 10 days, none of the eggs that treated house-fly deposited had hatched.The results indicated that uninterruptedly feeding adults with 0.01% solution of TH 6040 had sterilizing action to house-fly.
Diflubenzuron (TH 6040 ) House- fly control Killing rate Residual activity Sterilizing action