本工作通过田间试验和模拟试验研究了施用有机物料对棕壤、草甸土和水稻土中胡敏酸光学性质的影响。结果表明,施用有机物料后使土壤胡敏酸的吸光值(E_(265)、E_(465))和相对色度(RF)下降,色调系数(ΔlogK)升高,甚致发生类型改变(R_p化)。还使胡敏酸紫外285nm和红外2920cm ̄(-1)吸收增强,1720cm ̄(-1)和萤光强度减弱,激发光谱最大强度波长(λ_(ex))紫移。说明胡敏酸的分子结构变得脂族化,简单化和年轻化。两种有机物料相比,玉米秸秆对胡敏酸的木质素特征作用突出;而猪粪更有利于胡敏酸的脂族化。上述作用一般随有机物料用量的增加而加强。不加有机物料空白培养则使胡敏酸发生“老化”。
This paper deals with the effect of application of organic materials on the
op-tical properties of humic acids(HAs)from brown earth, meadow soil and paddysoil,The
results obtained are summarized as follows:Application of organic materials led to the
decrease of E_(265), E_(465) and RF valuesand increase of Δlog K of HAs. The shoulder-like
absorption at 285nm originatedfrom lignin in ultraviolet spectra of HAs from the organic manure
amended soilbecame more apparent as compared with that of the soil without organic
manureapplication.The maximum-intensity wavelengths of fluorence excitation spectra(λ
_(ex))and the intensity of fluorescence emossion excitation spectra of HAs were reducedby
application of organic materials.However,the maximum-intensity wavelengthsof fluorence
emission spectra(λ_(ex)) remained unchanged(about 546nm),no matterwhether organic
material was applied or not.In the field experiment, the application of organic materials
intensified the ab-sorption of HAs at 2920cm ̄(-1) and weakened the absorption at 1720cm ̄
(-1).Thus theratio of A_(2920)/A_(1720) increased from 1.26,1.23 and 1.01 of CKs to 1.85,1.52
and 1.11of O_2 treatments in brown earth, meadow soil and paddy soil,respectively.In
theincubation experiment,this cliange was more obvious. This indicared that applicationof
organic materials increased the proportion of aliphatic components in HA moleculeand
decreased the degree of exidarion of HA.Thus,the HAs from organic materials amended soils
tended to become morealiphatic and simpler in structure.The more the organic material
applied,the morealiphatic and simpler the HA was. Whereas reversed structural cihanges were
obser-ved for the HA from the incubated soil without organic materials application.Results also
showed that pig manure(PM) was more effective than corn stalk(CS) in raising the
Acta Pedologica Sinica
Organic manure,Humic acid structure,
Spectroscopic properties