In order to explore the physical constitution of long-lived old people and related influencing factors in different regions and find out ways to improve the health condition in the aged, the authors carried out an epidemiological study of 344 long-lived old people over 90 and 256 sexagenarians as controls in Changsha City and West Hunan Autonomous Prefecture. A comparative method of random group sampling of different levels was adopted. Questionaries and schedules of survey related to about 300 items were prepared. Four groups were formed for synthesis, comparison and analysis of the data obtained. Many of the items show that the constitution of sexagenarians in the city is better than that of their counterparts in the mountainous area. For people over 90 the difference disappears. In some items, the constitution of long-lived old mountainers are superior to their counterparts in the city. Studies of the first six factors affecting the quality of life display only slight difference between the two groups. Discussions and analyses of the results obtained by careful investigations led to the conclusion that people over 60 in the mountainous area age more slowly than their counterparts in the cities, which is an important cause for more centenarians in the mountainous areas. The key factor for reducing the progress of aging lies in continuous persistence in doing proper amount of physical actlvities.
Practical Geriatrics
Long-lived old people
Quality of life
Epidemiological study