In order to get best Rehabilitation Multiple joint involvement in RA often leads to multiple joint operation in a short period. Frora Jan, 1981 to Dec, 1985 because of the joint inflammation or severe damage, there were 173 cases of RA repeatedly admitted to our hospital for one or more operations. Ninty cases had one operation, 56 cases twice, 13 cases three times; 8 cases four times, 6 cases five times. There were, on the average, 1.8 operations per patient. In this series, there were 48 cases (27.9 percent) of bedchair life before operation, and only 4cases showed no improvements after operation, 69 out of 149 cases continued to resort to some help, but dependency was lessened greatly. There were only 26 cases who still needed remarkable service. These patients had not got the expected results, results have shown conclussively that with a judicious combination of drug therapy and physical trainning. Arthritic cripple often can be salvaged from hopeless dependency and restored to self-sufficient and productive lives.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation