The biological-'Fangyi-I' is a combination of organic matter with antagonistic microorganisms. In our field test, soil was mixed with 'Fangyi-I' at a rate of 200:1 for field application. The results of field test showed that 'Fangyi-I' had an obvious effect of controlling capsicum phytophthora blight, the control effect was 81%. An amendment with organic matter(soyabean leaf tissues et al. )mixed at a rate of 0. 5 % in natural soil increased significantly the populations of antagonistic microorganisms, as compared to the unamended control. The population of antagonists tended to decrease only 2 months and more after soil application regardless of soil amendment with organic matter. 'Fangyi-I'showed also a promoting effect on the growth of capsicum.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai