This paper describes mainly the determination of the main dimensions for FPSU(Floating Production and Storage Unit) and SPM (Single Point Mooring) system under the given environmental conditions and design conditions. For FPSU a key task is to decide the volume, the length, the width, the draft and the moulded depth of the storage tanker which is a main part of the FPSU, so far as SPM is concerned it is concentrated to decide the height of the mooring column and the main dimensions of the components of the mooring system, such as the length of the mooring legs and the arm, the location of the articulation on the mooring legs, and the size of the balance box.
Also, the other problems to be considered when choosing the dimensions of FPSU and SPM are described here.
Finally the main dimensions of FPSU and SPM are determined according to the qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis.
China Offshore Oil and Gas