Occupational dermatoses of 2400 workers at 50 small factories run by township & village in Shanghai County were investigated. Male 980, female 1420. Most of them aged 20~40(80%). workers with a length of service≤5 yrs were 1873(78.3%), almost all of them riginated from peasants. 1745 workers with mainly chemical exposure were examined. The total prevalent rate of skin lesions was 46.8%. Contact dermatitis-eczema & pruritus were most frequent. Among 449 subjects exposed to mechanic factors, the total prevalent rate of skin lesions was 49.7%, Hand rhagades was the most common sign. Among 158 subjects exposed to physical factors, the total prevalent rate of skin lesions was 70.3%. Burn, electro-light flash opthalmia hand maceration-erosion were the major skin trouble. The causative factors of current occupational dermatoscs in rural industries were discussed. Health education, adequate management & protective measures were recommended.
China Occupational Medicine
occupational dermatoses, industries run by township