1Aaron Tornell and Gerardo Esquivel.the Political Economy of Mexico's Entry to NAFTA.National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 5322.p.4.p.5.p.11.p.9. 被引量:1
2This is available at http://www.eclac.mx.org/mben 2100.html. 被引量:1
3Nora Lustig.Mexico:The Remarking of an Economy.Washington.D.C.Brookings Institute,1992.p.134. 被引量:1
4Foreign investment in Latin American and Caribbean 2000 report.CAPLA.United Nation.p.4.p.23. 被引量:1
5Raymond Robertson.Trade Liberalisation and Wage Inequality:Lessons from the Mexican Experience.World Economy.Vol.23.No.6.June 2000.p.840.p.829. 被引量:1
6International Trade and Development Finance Division of ECLAC.The New Multilateral Trade Negotiations:A Chanllenge for Lutin America and the Caribbean.November 1999.p.28. 被引量:1
7NAFTA.First Five Years.Pederal Reserve Bank of Dallas.El Paso Branch.issue 1.2000. 被引量:1
8This is available at http://www.Naftaworks.org.Mexico-U.S.Trade Keeps High Growth Pace Washington.DC Jonuary 24..2001. 被引量:1
9INEGI.Encuesta Industrial Mensual(Monthly Industrial Survey).Banco de Mexico.Indicadores Economicos(Bank of Mexico.Economic Indicators).March 28.2001. 被引量:1
10NBER Working Paper 5322.figure land figure 2.p.35. 被引量:1