Objective To investigate the value of determining quantity of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in the diagnosis and supervision in patients with retinoblastom a (Rb). Method We used rapid electrophoretic and the fluorometer method in the 35 Serum specimens from 35 patients with Rb during surgery, aftet enucleation , respectively, at 3, 6, 12,≥ 18 months and 31 serum specimens from 31 control cases to detetmine the quantity of NSE and cnolase isoenzymes. Results There were 207± 65. 9 u/L of all isoenzymes and 98. 4± 40. 3 u/L of NSE from 35 patents with Rb. In comparison with the levels of control cases ( respectively, 140. 7± 46. 0 U/L of all isoenzymes, 41±10. 9 u/L of NSE), both serum levels in patients with Rb increased obviously, the difference being signifrcant. At 6, 12, and≥ 18 months after surgery, the determ inations of all isoenzymes and NSE from 35 patients with Rb decreased step by step. the difference being significant in comparison with the values before the surgery. After surgely ≥ 18 months, the levels of NSE and all enolase decreased tothat of NSE and all enolase from control cases. Conclusion The determination of enolase level, especially NSE of serum ,is valuable for the diaguasis of patients with Rb.
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology