ollowing the 50-year brilliant cvolution of NMR techniques, the outlines ofmuitidimensional NMR, especially 2D NMR-the core of modern NMR spectrosocpy,are given in this nunireview article. The text falls into three sections. After a briefintroduction of the Pulsc Fourier Tramform NMR, the fundainental mechanisms andexperimental categories, as well as the extensive applications of 2D NMR are intro-duced in soine detail in the next section. The insights into the design and the usageof the most useful 2D NMR pulse sequences, induding COSY types, NOESY(ROESY),heteronuclear chemical shift correlation experiments are described with application ex-aniples adopted from our laboratory. Multiple quantum coherences, such asINADEQUATE and HMBC/HMQC are mentioned as well. Finally, foundational ex-perimental methods and categories and enchanting perspectives of 3D/4D NMR in thefields of chemistry, biology and medicine are summarized in the third section.
Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance