The Miaolbog substage, which corresponds to the age interval of 7-5Ma,was defined by Xue Xiangxu et al.in 1995.The typical assemblage is Miaoliang Hipparion fauna found in Fugu County,Shaanxi. According to preliminary identification, the chief species of the fauna are Adcrocota eximia variabilis, Hipparion sp. Chilotherini,Honanotherium sp.Chleuastochoerus stehlini, Eostylocerus blainvillei,Muntiacus cf.lacustris, Cervavitus novorossiae,C.damissus, Procapreolus latifrons,etc.The faunas in this Substage include those found in Longjiagou, Gansu, at different localities of Xin'an, Henan, at some localities of the Baode area,in the Mahui Formation,Shanxi and in the Lantian Formation) Shanxi.The common features of the faunas are:(1) all faunas contain abundant fossils of Cervidae,such as Eostylocerus blainvillei,Muntiacus lacustris, Cervavitus novotossiae, C.demissus,Procapreolus latifrons,etc.(2) Acerorhinus is the dominant element of Rhinocerotidae and no fossils of real Chilotheerium have been found,(3) most animals of these faunas have low-crowned teeth,such as Honanotherium, Gazella g audryi and Chleuadechoerus stehlini,(4) Hipparion platyodus is the main species of hipparionine in this Substage.They were widely distributed in north China and most of these animals were typical forest dwellers.
Geological Journal of China Universities