本文介绍了铸造型砂多项机械性能检测系统。该系统通过连续两个砂样的测试,能迅速准确地测得反映型砂本质特征的四个性能参数:抗压强度、刚度、塑变临界值及回弹位势,得以较全面地衡量型砂的综合机械性能及工艺性能。 通过系统的工艺试验;得出了各参数在不同成份,不同紧实条件下的变化规律。进而运用流变理论分析、论证了这些测值参数的科学性、合理性、可靠性及其意义。
A measuring system of multi-mechanical properties of green sand has been introduced in the paper. In the system the four parameters of properties showing feature of green sand can be quickly and accurately measured by means of measuring two sand samples one after another, that is, compressive strength, rigidity, plastic deformation limit and springback potential. So the comprehensive mechanical properties and technical properties can be evaluated in all respects.
Through the technical experiments, variable tendency of all kinds of parameters can be obtained in different compositions and compact conditions. Theremore, reality and significance of measured parameters have been analysised by means of rheological theory of moulding sand.
Research Studies On Foundry Equipment