
往返吸注与改变注药速度对蛛网膜下隙阻滞特征的影响 被引量:4

Effect of injection speed and barbotage on the characteristics of spinal subarachnoid blockade
摘要 目的比较往返吸注(barbotage,Bbt)与改变注药速度对布比卡因蛛网膜下隙阻滞特征的影响。方法240例随机等分为六组,均用0.75%布比卡因1.2ml(9mg)蛛网膜下隙阻滞,前三组为单次注射的慢速(0.1ml/s)、中速(0.3ml/s)和快速(1.0ml/s)组,后三组注速同前但均加用Bbt。用反映阻滞特征的6项指标及有关成功率的4项指标共10项指标,对6种注药法进行分析排序,筛选出其中较好的方法。结果(1)慢速+Bbt组与中速组、中速+Bbt组与快速组,以及快速+Bbt组和快速组间分别比较,阻滞特征均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(2)中速+Bbt组的阻滞特征属最佳之一,操作成功率和痛觉阻滞达标率均最高,且无偏麻。结论为改善蛛网膜下隙阻滞效果,建议采用0.33ml/s的注射速度,并加用往返吸注技术。 Objective To investigate the effect of injection speed and barbotage on the characteristics of spinalanesthesia.Method Two handred and forty patients undergoing spinal blockade were randomly divided into 6 groups with 40 cases each. 0.75% bupivacaine 1.2ml(9mg) was used in all patients.The speeds of subarachnoid injection in group A,B and C were 0.1,0.33 and 1.0ml/s (respectively.) A barbotage technique was carried out in group D,E and F, in which the speeds of injection were 0.1,0.33 and 1.0ml/s as those in group A,B and C respectirely.Result The best subarachnoid blockade was found when 0.75% bupivacaine 1.2ml was injected at a speed of 0.33ml/s combined with barbotage in group E.Conclusion To produce an excellent spinal blockade, a speed of 0.33ml/s combined with barbotage is suggested.
出处 《临床麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2005年第7期464-466,共3页 Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology
基金 广东省佛山市卫生局资助课题(编号:2001089)
关键词 往返吸注 注药速度 蛛网膜下隙阻滞 BBT 注药速度 布比卡因 痛觉 Subarachnoid blockade Barbotage Bupivacaine Injection speed
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