The indexation fund is a fund that adopts its portfolio based on certain index, which is closely related with target index. The major elements of the indexation fund include the target index, sample securities and weight allocation , aiming to minimize the track error with the target index. The liquidity, noise and dispose effect can impact the track error of indexation fund. However, the track error in a more effective market is smaller than that in a newly industrial market. This is mainly due to the larger option room of stocks for the index and the liquidity in an effective market. In China s new and transitional market, the track error of indexation funds can be substantially different according to the stock number of the target index, the track error increases as the stock number augments. The track error of copy fund in complete copy strategy is smaller than that of reinforced fund in incomplete copy strategy. Big sum of purchase and redemption has obvious impact on the track error. Thus, the portfolio of indexation fund should be guided by passive in stead of active investment.
Modern Economic Science