对比研究了分布于我国黑龙江流域具钝吻和尖吻两种形态特征的细鳞鲑,其主要形态学性状的显著差异达到种间分化水平。细鳞鲑属Brachymystax在中国应有两个种,分别为图们江细鳞鲑B tumensis (具钝吻特征)和细鳞鲑B .lenok (具尖吻特征)。
Variations in the morphology of lenok (Brachymystax) from Heilong River in China were investigated. The observation shows that a classification of sympatric species of Brachymystax lenok based on their main biological characters. The B.tumensis were distinct in having a blunt snout which had a slight turning at the tip, edge of maxilla extending to around middle of eye, 20-22 gill rakers and not having red spots on body. The B.lenok had sharp snout which tip is extended and the lower lip is inferior, having red spots on body, 28-30 gill rakers and edge of maxilla not reaching around middle of eye. In addition, significant difference in their outline shape indices of the two species, and allowed the separation of the species by means of a discriminate function. So, there have been two species of lenok in China, B.tumensis blunt snout lenok and B.lenok sharp snout lenok.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
国家科技部公益性专项资金项目和中国水产科学研究院青年基金项目 (2 0 0 3 青 3)资助