目的建立紫外分光光度法测定醋酸地塞米松片溶出度的方法.方法以0.25%十二烷基硫酸钠溶液100ml为溶出介质,转速为75 r·min-1,紫外分光光度法测定溶出量,检测波长241 nm.结果在4.3~21.6 mg·L-1范围内呈良好的线性关系,r=0.999 9;平均回收率为98.9%,RSD为0.4%(n=5).结论该法简便、准确、可用于醋酸地塞米松片的溶出度测定.
Aim To establish a method of dissolution of dexamethasone acetate tablets by UV method. Method A 100mL of 0.25% SDS solution was used as dissolution medium and apparatus was operated at the rate of 75 r·min~ -1 . A UV method was used. The detection wavelength was at 241nm. Results There was a good linear relationship within the range of 4.3~21.6 mg·L~ -1 (-r-=0.999 9).The average recovery was 98.9% and the RSD was 0.4%(-n-=5). Conclusion The method is accurate and convenient and can be used for detection of dissolution of the dexamethasone acetate tablets.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal