
网络环境下图书馆传统与数字参考咨询服务的思考 被引量:6

On the Traditional and Reference and Advisory Service in Net Environment
摘要 网络环境下的图书馆数字参考咨询工作与传统的服务相比发生了显著的变化,对当前的咨询工作带来了严峻的挑战。我国的图书馆应采取积极的措施:确定合理的发展方向、加强特色馆藏;加强对网络信息资源的组织与整合,注重咨询用户教育;加强图书馆参考咨询的馆际交流与协调,制定新的咨询服务评价标准和加强图书馆人力资源开发。 This article analyzes briefly the change of service of reference and consultation in college libraries under the circumstances of network, points out several measures, gives new requirements to the service works of their comprehensives quality and ability. Also the thesis expounds the reform, the methods and the basis of reference and advisory service in net environment.
作者 周妤
出处 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2005年第3期105-107,共3页 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
关键词 网络环境 图书馆 数字参考咨询 net environment library reference and advisory service
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