
美国部分学区试行教师工资改革的启示 被引量:12

Initial Reform of American Pay Systems for K-12 Teachers and its Inspirations on Educational Reform in China
摘要 为适应社会发展的需要,美国部分学区正在试行新的教师工资制度:基于知识与能力表现水平的个人工资制。科研机构参与设计并跟踪研究了新工资制试行的过程。研究发现:教师参与制订和执行教学表现评价标准及奖励标准的程度影响着他们对改革措施的态度。美国的改革试验对我国教育管理领域的改革也具有借鉴意义。 Knowledge and Skill-based Pay Systems for K-12 teachers and School Performance Award were introduced in several school districts in the USA. Based on different studies on the implementation of the new pay systems, this article describes the contents and the implementation processes of different designs of the pay system reform, and tries to explore the background of the teacher pay reform and the factors influencing the success of their implementations. It is found that whether and to what extent the teachers have participated in the design and the implementation of the reform exerts great influence on their attitudes towards the measures of the pay system reform. The US experience serves as an instructive guide for our reform measures of school management in China.
作者 刘邦祥
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期53-56,81,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 美国教师 工资改革 教学评价 民主化管理 K-12 Teachers in US Payment Reform Performance Evaluation
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