Praeruptorin A(PdIa)is an effective component extracted from Chinese
traditional herb“ Qian-Hu”. We studied its ettects on the tracheal smooth muscle isolated
from rabbits. These effects werecompared with those exerted by verapamil.Both were similar.
PdIa relaxed the precontraction inducedby depolarized concentration of KCl(high K)more
effectively than that by acetylcholine(ACh,10μmol/L).The dose-response curve to CaCl2 and
ACh were shifted to the right and the maximal re-sponse was depressed by PdIa.PdIa inhibited
the contractile response to ACh(10μmol/L)in Ca-freemedium more significantly than the
subsequent contractile response followed in addition of CaCl2 2.0mmol/L. On the other hand,the
effects of verapamil( 0.5μmol/L)were qualitatively similar to thoseof PdIa. These results
suggested that the mechanism of the relaxing effect of PdIa on tracheal smoothmuscle of
rabbits was through blocking the potential-dependent Ca channel(PDC)and inhibiting the
re-lease of Ca from intracellular Ca-store.
Journal of China Medical University