在以强酸性阳离子交换树脂为催化剂进行正丁烯水合反应工艺研究过程中 ,观察到随着反应时间增加 ,水合反应床层压力降升高并伴有床层压力震动产生。讨论了正丁烯水合反应过程中床层压力降升高的原因 ,采用控制反应循环水中仲丁醇含量的方法 ,达到了控制水合反应床层压力降升高的目的 ,保证水合装置长期平稳运转。
In the process of n-butene hydration catalyzed by strong acid ion-exchange resins, the increasing of pressure drop and pressure shock of the hydration reactor with the running of the plant can be observed. The possible reason for the increasing of pressure drop and pressure shock was discussed. The concentration of SBA in the cycle reaction water was restricted to a low level in order to reduce the pressure drop and pressure shock of the reactor, and the plant can be run steadily for a relative long time.
Contemporary Chemical Industry