工业上生产胰酶主要采用乙醇沉淀法、丙酮沉淀法,这两种方法有很多缺点,如酶活低、生产成本高等。针对这些特点,设计出以壳聚糖为絮凝剂,沉淀分离动物胰脏中胰酶的新工艺。通过试验, 确定了包括提取温度、时间、壳聚糖的浓度、溶液pH等工艺参数。结果表明,这种方法具有很高的实用价值。
Pancreatin was extracted from pancreas by ethanol precipitation or acetone precipitation on industry. But there were many disadvantages in the two processes, such as low activity, high cost etc. A new process is designed of extracting Pancreatin by chitosan precipitation. By experimentation, technical parameter was confirmed, including temperature, time, concentration of chitosan and pH etc. The result indicated that the process was provided with worthful practicability.
Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology