目的应用HRT-ⅡMEM检查黄斑区视网膜厚度,以早期诊断黄斑水肿,防止视力的严重损害。方法观察组为门诊确诊为2型糖尿病患者30例(58只眼),病程5年以上,患有非增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变和黄斑水肿;对照组为糖尿病患者中未发现糖尿病视网膜病变者20例(39只眼)。采用Hei delbergretinatomography-Ⅱ(HRT)测量以黄斑中心凹为中心的0.5mm直径区域视网膜厚度,以水肿指数E表示;对各组间黄斑区视网膜厚度进行比较。结果糖尿病视网膜黄斑水肿与无糖尿病黄斑病变的黄斑部0.5mm直径区域视网膜厚度存在差异(P【0.05)。结论糖尿病视网膜病变早期黄斑水肿表现为黄斑部视网膜厚度增加,采用HRT-ⅡMEM可以早期发现糖尿病视网膜黄斑部病变损害,并且对病变损害程度量化;有利于对糖尿病视网膜病变的诊断和疗效判定。
OBJECTIVE To describe a new method for the quantification of diabetic macular edema with Heidelberg Retina Tomograph-Ⅱ(HRT-Ⅱ) macula edema module.METHODS The retinal thickness of macular areas of the patients with diabetic mellitus were determined by HRT-Ⅱ including thirty patients (58 eyes) with macular edema and 20 patients without macular edema.The areas by the circles centered at the fovea (diameter 0.5mm) were measured and the edema index values were calculated for the complete image and in the form of topographic maps.RESULTS There were significant differences in the edema index values between the two groups.CONCLUSION The HRT-ⅡMEM could detect and quantify the early macular edema.
China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology