Foreign Medical Sciences(Section On Neurology & Neurosurgery)
1Masuo Y, Ishido M, Morita M, et al. Motor activity and gone expression in rats with neonatal 6 - hydroxydopamine lesions. J Neurochem, 2004, 91(1): 9- 19. 被引量:1
2Blanchet PJ, Calon F, Morissette M, et al. Relevance of the MPTP primate model in the study of dyskinesia priming mechanisms.Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2004, 10(5): 297- 304. 被引量:1
3Hakansson K, Lindskog M, Pozzi L, et al. DARPP - 32 and modtdation of cAMP sigmding: involvement in motor control and levodopa- induced dyskinesia. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2004, 10(5) : 281 - 286. 被引量:1
4Oh JD, Chase TN. Glutamate - mediated striatal dysregulation and the pathogenesis of motor response complications in Parklnson ' s disease.Amino Acids, 2002, 23(1 - 3) : 133 - 139. 被引量:1
5Calon F, Rajput AH, Hornykiewicz O, et al. Levndopa- induced motor oomplieations are associated with a]terations of glutamate receptors in Parklnson's disease. Neurobiol Dis, 2003, 14(3): 404-416. 被引量:1
6Brvtchie JM. Advances in understanding the neural mechanisms underlying L- dopa-induced dysinesia. Adv Neural, 1999,80:71-85. 被引量:1
7Perier C, Marin C, Bonastre M, et al. AMPA receptor antagonist LY293558 reverses preproenkephalln mRNA overexpression in the striatum of 6 - OHDA - lesioned - rats treated with L - dopa. Eur J Neurosci, 2002, 16(11): 2236-2240. 被引量:1
8Calon F, Goulet M, Blanchet PJ, et al. Levodopa or D2 agonist induced dyskinesia in MPTP monkeys: correlation with changes in dopamine and GABAA receptors in the striatopallidal complex. Brain Res, 1995, 680(1-2):43-52. 被引量:1
9Calon F, Morissette M, Rajput AH, et al. Changes of GABA receptors and dopamlne turnover in the postmortem braim of parkinsonians with levodopa- induced motor complications. Mov Disord, 2003, 18 ( 3 ) :241 - 253. 被引量:1
10Krack P, Pollak P, Limousin P, et al. Opposite motor effects of pallidal stimulation in Parkinson's disease. Ann Neurol, 1998, 43(2) :180- 192. 被引量:1
1温剑峰,钱锁开.帕金森病诊治近况[J].实用中西医结合临床,2005,5(4):87-89. 被引量:3
2吕文,程源深.Riluzole治疗肌萎缩侧索硬化[J].中国临床神经科学,2000,8(4):307-309. 被引量:4
5王妍,张孝良,马正磊.普拉克索治疗帕金森病患者左旋多巴诱导的运动障碍的疗效[J].徐州医学院学报,2016,36(9):582-584. 被引量:18
6王荣福.多巴胺能神经递质及受体显像的临床研究和应用进展[J].国外医学(放射医学核医学分册),2000,24(2):59-62. 被引量:6
7王忠,杨天明.各类神经递质在可卡因成瘾中的作用[J].国外医学(神经病学.神经外科学分册),2005,32(3):241-244. 被引量:4
8李丹,黄译腺,罗蔚锋,刘春风.腺苷2A受体、亲代谢谷氨酸受体对异动症可塑性改变的影响[J].国际神经病学神经外科学杂志,2010,37(2):135-140. 被引量:6
9徐恩,缪学琼,李雯.神经保护药物治疗缺血性脑卒中的最新进展[J].中国处方药,2006(2):38-41. 被引量:7