目的:观察阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)的患者戴用口腔矫治器前后主观症状的改善情况。方法:选2 2例轻中度OSAS患者,男15 ,女7例,年龄36~5 6岁,均经呼吸内科确诊和耳鼻咽喉科排除手术可能,又拒绝戴用持续气道正压通气机(CPAP)者,进行戴用口腔矫治器前后主观症状分析。结果:OSAS患者戴用口腔矫治器后,能够明显改变其主观症状:鼾声、憋气、日间嗜睡有效率为81.82 %、72 .73%、77.2 7%。至于PSG(夜间多导睡眠图监测)指标变化,因为条件所限,未能检测。结论:初步结果表明,OSAS患者戴用口腔矫治器后,其主观症状明显得到改善。
Objective: To investigate the curative effect of obst ru ctive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in patients with oral positioner. Meth ods: Twenty-two OSAS patients (15 males and 7 females), aging from 36 to 5 6 year-old, were diagnosed by the department of Breath, and refused continuous p ositive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, and could not be treated by operation d etermined by department of E.N.T., and they were treated with oral positioner. Results: The pathologic alteration was very apparent in the patient s with oral positioner: the effective rates of snore, breathlessness and daytime sleep were 81.82%, 72.73% and 77.27%, respectively. But the target changes of polysomnography (PSG) failed to be examined because of our limited condition. Conclusion: The subjective symptoms of the patients are markedly improved from our preliminary results.
Heilongjiang Medicine and Pharmacy