以索拉亚百合的茎尖为外植体,成功建立了快速无性繁殖体系。茎尖愈伤组织诱导培养基为:MS +BA3mg/L +NAA0 .3mg/L ;愈伤组织最佳芽分化诱导培养基为:MS +BA1.5mg/L +NAA0 .5mg/L ;芽继代增殖的最佳培养基为MS +BA1.5mg/L +IBA0 .0 5mg/L。KT对芽的增殖效果不如BA ,IBA的效果明显好于IAA。此外,激素的比例对不定芽的生长也有影响,最关键的因素是IBA的使用浓度,以0 .0 5mg/L左右为宜。生根培养基为:MS +IAA0 .5mg/L +NAA0 .5mg/L +AC1mg/L生根率达10 0 % ,平均生根数为5 .88/苗。移栽成活率可达95 %。
The clone propagation of SOLAIA is developed through culture of growing tips in vitro.Induction medium of callus and shoots are MS+BA3mg/L+NAA0.3mg/L,MS+BA1.5mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L.Proliferation medium are MS+BA0.1mg/L+IBA0.05mg/L.Taking proliferation into account,BA is better than KT and IBA is better than IAA.The proportion of hormone also works.The core is the employ-ing of IBA and its concentration,0.05mg/L or so is best.Induction of roots are better in medium of MS+IAA0.5mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L+AC1mg/L.The percentage is100%,5.88roots per shoot and the per-centage of transplantation is95%.
Liaoning Agricultural Sciences