目的:目的:研究中药微丸的制备工艺参数,解决传统中药制备微丸的难题。方法:采用离心喷雾制丸方法制备微丸,并比较离心喷雾包衣和流化床包衣对微丸质量的影响。结果:确定微丸丸芯最佳制备工艺条件为:转盘频率为 45HZ,供液流速为1. 2g·min-1,稠膏相对密度为 1. 20;采用离心喷雾包衣方式,包衣增重达到 14 时,可制得质量较好的微丸。结论:离心喷雾制丸、包衣具有所需辅料量少、自动化程度高、符合GMP要求等特点,非常适合传统复方中药制剂中微丸的规模化生产。
AIM: To investigate the preparation and parameter of pellets of traditional Chinese medicine in order to solve the problem of preparation of pellets of traditional Chinese medicine. METHODS: We took centrifugal spray method to prepare the pellets, and compared effect of spray coating and fluidzed bed coating on the quality of pellets. RESULTS: The best preparation of pellets was determined as followed. The frequency of turntable was 45 HZ, the flow rate of liquid was 1.2 g/min. the relative density of liquid was 1.20 g/cm 3; when coating weigh reached 14%, the better pellets could be obtained. CONCLUSION: The need of the assistant matter of taking spray pellets and film coating was less and roboticized. It accorded with the answer of GMP and the regular production of the preparation of pellets of traditional Chinese medicine.
Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine