为了解绵阳市的机动车尾气污染现状,对该市大气污染状况进行了监测和分析,结果发现该市NOx的污染负荷呈现不断上升的趋势,到2 0 0 1年时已经达到1996年的2. 3倍,这说明机动车尾气污染已经对该市的大气环境产生了较大的影响,针对这一实际情况,对机动车尾气控制对策进行了研究,为政府部门进行环境决策提供一些建议。
In order to investigate the motor waste air pollution in Mianyang City, the air pollution was monitored and analyzed. The result indicated that the pollution burden of NOx was increasing and the index of pollution burden in 2001 was 2.3 times of that in 1996. The result also showed that the motor waste air pollution has affected the air environment. According to this situation, the article studied the control policies to provide the government with some suggestions.
Liaoning Urban and Rural Environmental Science & Technology