目的 探讨肾移植术后合并结核病病人的临床特点。方法 回顾分析16例肾移植后合并结核病病人的临床表现、X线和实验室检查及诊治情况。结果 1 1例患者临床表现主要为不规则高热(占68.8% ) ,双肺病灶广泛、5个肺野以上者占64 .3 % ,PPD皮试阳性者为1 2 .5 %抗酸杆菌阳性率为50 .0 % ,合并肺外结核为占57.1 % ,药物性肝损害37.5 % ,死亡率31 .3 %。结论 肾移植术后合并结核病病人的临床症状和肺部病灶广泛,PPD皮试阳性率低,抗酸杆菌阳性率较高,合并肺外结核和病死率高,应尽早确诊和治疗。
Objective To study clinic characteristic of tuberculosis after renal transplantation. Methods Retrospective analysis of 16 cases were performed and the clinic manifestations included X-ray, laboratory examination results, diagnosis and treatment conditions.Results 68.8% (n=11) had irregular hyperpyrexia, 64.3% showed with chest X-ray diplopulmonary lesion extensive and over 5 lung fields damaged, 12.5% had PPD test being positive, 50% had acid-fast being positive, 57.1% had tuberculosis besides in pulmonary fields, 37.5% had drug-induced liver damage, and 31.3% died.Conclusion After renal transplantation, the TB patients have multiple clinic symptoms and their X-ray results show extensive damages. These patients have lower PPD positive rate, high positive rate of acid-fast bacillus, and the TB may exist outside the lung. Thus, the fatality rate is high. We should seek for an early diagnosis and treatment for these patients.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
Renal/Transplantation, Tuberculosis