李翱的哲学 ,继承先秦儒学成果 ,吸佛纳道 ,它以“诚”为主体 ,形成了自己的诚本体论、诚统性情的人性论、诚明的复性方法 ,以及至诚的修养境界 ,构建了从本体论、人性论、修养功夫到理想人格的一套完整的心性论思想体系。在境界、内容、思维方式和倾向上直接开启了宋明理学 。
By taking over the achievements of the pre Qin Confucians and taking in elements in Buddhism and Taoism, Li Ao, established his ideological system of Xin Xing (Mind and Nature) which includes ontology, theory of human nature, self cultivation, and ideal personality. His ontology focuses on Cheng (Honestness), while his theory of human nature maintains the unity of nature and disposition with Cheng. He suggests Cheng a way to achieve renaturation and puts forward the ideal state of Zhi Cheng (Supreme Honestness). In a word, Li Ao's ideological system functions as a forerunner of Li Xue (Study of Confucian Ideology) in the Song and Ming Dynasties in terms of state, content and way of thinking. It is a theoretically transitional link between Li Xue and Jing Xue (Study of Confucian Classics) in the Han and Tang Dynasties.
Li Ao
theory of Xin Xing
transitional link