理欲观是戴震义理思想的核心内容,也是戴震义理学区别于程、朱正统理学的关键 所在。清末民初,章太炎、刘师培、梁启超等学者大力阐扬戴氏义理学,力图恢复戴震的完整形 象,促使戴学成为显学。他们所共同关注者即为戴震的理欲观。由于阐释角度不一,所作的评析 差异较大。章太炎从政治视角理解戴震理欲观,认为戴震与程、朱并无根本冲突,双方是在政治 和伦理的不同层面上阐发各自观念。刘师培则分别用中、西学两种标准衡量戴震理欲观,既赞赏 其义理基于训诂,从而能超越宋儒的长处,又点明其不及西学严密的瑕疵所在。梁启超以哲学概 念评判戴震义理学,认为戴氏之理欲观是用“情感哲学”代“理性哲学”,与欧洲文艺复兴思潮在本 质上“绝相类”。这些评析,皆对中国近代思想、学术界产生了深远影响,甚至成为规范戴震研究 的某种“范式”。
Li and Yu (reason/truth and desire) stands are the nucleus of DAI Zhen's Yi and Li (righteousness and reason/truth) theory, and they are also the key that distinguishes from ZHU Xi as the orthodox of rationalistic Confucian philosophy. And during the time from the end of Qing Dynasty to the beginning of the Republic, such scholars as ZHANG Tai-yan, LIU Shi-pei and LIANG Qi-chao vigorously interpreted and propagated DAI's Yi-Li theory, so as to resume its full appearance, which made famous the DAI study. Their mutual concern is DAI's Li and Yu stands; but the comments and interpretations differ comparatively large for their varied perspectives. ZHANG starts from DAI's political angle and thinks that DAI has no essential conflict with CHENG brothers and ZHU Xi; that is, they differ only in levels of interpretation in politics and ethics. LIU adopts both a Chinese and a Western criterion: appraising on the one hand DAI's Yi and Li classical exegesis foundation that surpasses the Song Dynasty scholars, and points out on the other hand its inferiority to the Western thoughts. LIANG makes judgment in terms of philosophical conceptions. He claims that DAI's Li-Yu theory prefers an 'emotional philosophy' to a 'rationalistic philosophy', the former essentially resembling to a large extent the renaissance trend of thought. All these comments and interpretations have exerted profound influence upon modern Chinese thinking and learning, and even become a model for the DAI studies.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
DAI Zhen
Li and Yu stand
ZHANG Tai-yan
LIU Shi-pei
LIANG Qi-chao