我国的化学教育能否尽快跟上世界化学的发展潮流 ,其关键是高等师范院校的化学专业能否培养出适应 2 1世纪所需要的能够从事化学教育和科学研究的有用之才。尤其是随着科学技术水平的不断提高 ,新技术的不断涌现 ,更要求所培养出的化学专业毕业生具有较强的实验操作和实验设计能力 ,能够较好的较全面的掌握综合实验技术和实验方法。因此 ,传统的有机、无机、分析。
whether our chemistry education can keep up with the developing tren d of the world chemistry , depend on whether the chemistry department of teacher s colleges and university can cultivate talented persons , who can adapt oneself to 21 century and engage in chemistry education and scientific research . Furth ermore , with the development of science and technology , with the newly technol ogy emerging , the graduates from chemistry department must possess much stronge r capability of experiment operate and experiment design, master synthetical exp erimental technique and method fully . Therefore , the system of traditional hig her teacher--training experiment curriculum containing organic chemistry , wa s not adaptable to the situation.