我国的"西方马克思主义"研究之所以没有达到应有的水准,与其在当代中国的意义未得到充分认识有很大关系。"西方马克思主义"的理论主要由哲学理论和批判理论两大部分组成,这两大部分对当代中国均具有正向功能:哲学理论有助于我们正确地领悟马克思主义哲学的"真精神",这对实施马克思主义理论研究与建设工程,进而对构建当代中国新哲学都是不可或缺的;批判理论则不仅提醒我们正视和充分认识现代化事业中所出现的问题,自觉地趋利避害,而且还启示我们,必须把对现代化进程中负面效应的批判变成对社会主义目标追求之必然性的论证, 变成推进改革和完善社会主义制度的强大动力。
The Studies of ' Western Marxism' in China has never reached our expectation. It is mainly due to the fact that the significance of the studies of ' Western Marxism' in contemporary China has not been fully appreciated. In the framework of ' Western Marxism' , there are two essential parts: philosophical theory and critical theory, both playing positive role in contemporary Chinese society. While the former helps us grasp the quintessence of Marxist philosophy, as is essential to the study and development of Marxism and to the construction of a brand-new contemporary Chinese philosophy as well, the latter not only warns us against the problems in the modernization but leaves us fully aware that the repudiation of those negative sides of modernization should be turned into an inevitable evidence for quest of socialism and into momentums for further reform and perfection of the socialist system.
Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)