21世纪是知识与信息的时代,终身教育、终身学习是本世纪人生存的主要特征之一。人们的学习、工作、生活 都离不开计算机,社会上对计算机应用人才的需求有极大市场。本文从培养目标、课程设置、人才培养过程 中的教与学、实训基地建设与师资培养等四个方面,探讨了高职计算机应用人才的培养过程,以期使高职教 育培养出满足社会需要、深受社会欢迎的高等应用型技术人才。
The 21st century is the knowledge and information age, life - long education and life - long learning are the main characteristics of the life style for people at this age. Nowadays, no one can study,work and live without computer. There is a great demand for computer application talents from the job market. This article discusses the cultivating process of computer application talents in higher & vocational education from the aspects of the aims of education, curriculum planning, teching & learning in the talents cultivating process, the construction of practical training base and fostering qualified teachers, so as to cultivate advanced computer application talents which meet the demand of the society and are welcomed bv the society.
Journal of Nanping Teachers College