哈克在《演绎的辩护》(1976)一文中指出,演绎辩护将面对一个与归纳辩护类似的二难困境:我们不 能对之提供归纳辩护,这样的辩护太弱了;我们也不能对之提供演绎辩护,这样的辩护将是循环的。本文指出,哈 克原来的证明存在严重疏漏,是不能成立的;但她在论文中表达的思想是重要的,本文为之构造了一个新证明,并 阐发了这个证明的认识论意蕴:通过其所含逻辑常项的解释,逻辑系统与关于日常语言和思维实践的经验发生十 分间接的联系;除了逻辑系统(在技术上)的可靠性和完全性外,还有一个它(在认识论上)是否正确或适当的问 题,即逻辑系统内的形式论证是否充分、适当地刻画了逻辑系统外的非形式论证;不存在对演绎和逻辑系统的绝对 辩护,只存在对它们的相对辩护;逻辑在原则上是可修正的。
In Deductive Defense, Huck says that deductive defense will encounter a dilemma similar to that of inductive defense: we can afford it no inductive defense, for such a defense is so weak; we can afford it no deductive defense, either, for such defense will circulate. The writing states that a great loop exists in Huck's evidence, which does not hold water, but her idea in the thesis is of great importance. The paper offers new evidence and expounds the epistemological meaning of the evidence.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
项目编号:01 BJBZX002。