从1991年11月到1992年8月对50例眼挫伤的血清锌进行测定,36例异常占72%(140.g± 43.4μg/dl),其中有眼底改变占75%.视神经视网膜挫伤锌值增高.低锌影响杆细胞及锥细胞代谢致视力低下,低锌影响视色素合成及色素上皮代谢,造成伤后视网膜色素紊乱.
Serum zinc of 50 patients with eye-ball contusion was determined from Nov. 1991 to Aug. 1992. It was found that 36 patients (72% of the total) showed abnormality in their zinc values (140.9±43.4μg/dl). Changes in ocular fundus occurred in 75% of the patients. It wasalso found that when optic nerves and retinae were contused, the zinc value increased. Lower zinc value interferes with the metabolism of the retinal rod and cone cells, resulting in lowered eye-sight, and affects the synthesis of visual pigment and the metabolism of the pigment epithelium, leading to retinal pigment disturbance after contusion of eye-ball
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries