The principal 20 varieties of rapesceds with B. napus,B. Campestris and B. juncea in east-china werecollected and detcrinincd the contcnt of oxazolidimEthionE and Isothiocyanate using 62 type oil- press machine. Theresults showed as follow:1. The average content of glacosinolate (GS ) in B. napus of high GS,B. napus of low GS,B. campestris and B. juncea were 9.36mg/g,2.95mg/g,3.13mg/g and 3.56mg/g respectivcly.2. The GS lcvel in rapeseed Hua you 6 ̄# and qing you 2 ̄# were 8.69mg/g,7.01mg respectively after dry-heatand brokeness. It was less than 9.8 mg/g 10.64mg/g in the some variety of rapeseed without any treatment.3. Therc were some difference at GS lcvel by diffcrent type of oil-press-machine, The content of GS in Ning you7 ̄# using the 62,95,200 type oil-press-maehine were 10.77mg/g,5.14mg/g and 2.15 mg/g respectively. 21 varieties of rapeseed cake from oil-prcss plants(200 type ) and mills(95 type ) in Jinngsu province werecollected and detcrmincd level of GS ,nitrile,tannin and phytie. The result showed that the rapeseed cake cantained2.8 mg/g,3.39 mg/g at GS level,1318 mg/kg,318 mg/kg at nitrile level respectively and0.82%at tannin,1.24%at phytic level.
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine