利用白榴石晶体的高膨胀性特点 ,解决烤瓷粉与金属合金之间的热匹配问题。以优质钾长石为主要原料 ,采取快速冷却的热处理制度合成白榴石熔块。X -线物相分析表明 ,熔块的主晶相为白榴石 ,熔块的平均热膨胀系数为 2 1.3× 10 - 6 /℃ ,为改善烤瓷粉与金属的热匹配提供了有利的条件。
Leucite has high thermal expansion coefficient, so the t hermal compatibility can be achieved between porcelain and metal. The frit conta ining leucite can be synthesized melting feldspar depending on annealed. The res ult showed that main crystal phase of frit was leucite. The thermal expansion co efficient of frit was 21.3×10 -6/℃。The frit is the foundation of improvi ng the thermal compatibility between porcelain and metal.
Journal Of Biomedical Engineering Research