目的:评价双扇区图像重建算法的相位窗优选。方法:30 例患者行 16 层 CT冠状动脉成像检查,采用回顾性心电门控、0.5s螺旋扫描、双扇区重建算法,静脉注射对比剂。在 9 个相位窗(心动周期的 R波后 40%、45%、50%、55%、60%、65%、70%、75%和80%)上对冠状动脉进行 CT图像重组。结果:在冠状动脉内径≥2mm的 311 个节段中,209个节段(占67.2%)在 75%相位窗上显示最佳,64 节段(占 20.6%)在 70%相位窗上显示最佳,27 节段(占 8.7%)在50%相位窗上显示最佳,5节段(占1.6%)在80%相位窗上显示最佳,4节段(占1.3%)在45%相位窗上显示最佳,2 节段(占0.6%)在55%相位窗上显示最佳。结论:采用双扇区重建算法,冠状动脉多数在心动周期的 R波后 75%相位窗上显示最佳,其次为70%和50%相位窗。
Objective:To evaluate optimal window of image reconstruction within the RR interval for the coronary arteries.Methods:30 patients were studied with 16-slice spiral CT (retrospectively ECG-gating;0.5s rotation;two-sector reconstruction algorithm;intravenous contrast agent).Volume data set of the heart reconstructed at 40%~80% window of the cardiac cycle in increments of 5% were analyzed with maximum intensity projection and 2D curve reformatting mode on a 3D imaging workstation.Results:In the 311 coronary artery segments,209 (67.2%) were best visualized at 75% image reconstruction window of the cardiac cycle,the optimal window of image reconstruction for the 64 (20.6%),27 (8.7%),5 (1.6%),4 (1.3%) and 2 (0.6%) coronary artery segments was at 70%,50%,80%,45% and 55%,respectively.Conclusion:The coronary arteries usually were best visualized at 75% image reconstruction window of the cardiac cycle if two-sector reconstruction algorithm was used.
Radiologic Practice