This is one of the monographic papers written in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of thefounding of the Prople's Republic:of China.The paper consists of four parts—historical review,progress in user's service work in the 80s,progress in theoretical research of user's service in the80s,and statistical analysis of the research work concerning topics of user's service in the last 40years.During the past 40 years,user's service in the Chinese libraries has experienced four periodsof development,which are divided as 1949-1955,1956-1965,1966-1976 and 1977-1989.Lookingat the trend of development,one can see that the user's service of libraries is being shifted graduallyfrom the closed service to the open one.And in this process of transition,new services and newways of service have been introduced,the effectiveness has been increased,the means of service aregradually modernized,and with regard to the research,there has been a significant development inboth the scope and quantity of research.According to the incomplete statistics released in the 90different journals of library and information science and 137 books of collected essaies,there havepublished some 3,296 papers on the topics relating to user's service.While the period between1977-1989 seems to be the most productive period in this respect(works published in this periodmake up 85% of the total),issues like circulation and information service are the most popularissues for research and discussion,with the works on the earlier covering 25.7% of the total andthe later 23.9.Some 147 titles of books on the subject have been written,compiled,translated andprinted,of which,those on reading quidance and reading methods account for 27% or more of thetotal.
Chart 1.References 8
User's Service—Summary
User studies—China