随着锚杆支护技术在我国的推广 ,锚杆锚索的施工速度成了巷道掘进的瓶颈。锚杆机是加快锚杆锚索施工速度的突破口。由于进口两臂锚杆机存在价格昂贵 ,备件采购周期长 ,顶锚杆、帮锚杆、锚索不能同时施工 ,对顶、底板适应性差 ,调机速度慢等缺点 ,已不适应我国煤矿企业复杂的地质条件和对巷道施工速度的要求。自制锚杆机的研制 ,弥补这些缺点 ,也推进了连掘工艺的发展。
With the application of bolt support technology in C hi na, the operation speed of bolting and anchoring became a key of mine roadway h eading.The bolt machine is the key point to speed up the operation speed of the bolting and anchoring.Due to high cost of the imported two boom bolting machine ,a long period of spare parts purchasing,an operations of the roof bolting,s ide wall bolting and anchoring not operated at a same time,a poor suitability t o the roof conditions and low speed of speed control and other disadvantages,th e imported bolting machine will be not suitable to the complicated geological co nditions of the coal mines in China and the requirements of the mine roadway con struction speed.The research and development of the self-made bolting machine c an make up those disadvantages and can promote the development of the mine roadw ay continued heading technology.
Coal Engineering
self-made bolting machine
continued heading technolo gy