经过历史沉淀下来的各民族传统价值观对于本民族经济活动的影响不容忽视 ,这样的影响有有利的一面 ,也有不利的一面 ,成功的关键在于发挥长处 ,克服弱点。我国苗族、布依族、侗族等民族的传统价值观在当代经济发展过程中所呈现出来的各种样态。认为传统价值观如果存在 ,就必须证明它们对每一个新的时代都有益。民族传统的价值体系和本土文化并非智慧或仪式的无效沉淀 ,而是随时间变化的有活力的现实 ,并继续对人们提供认同感和意义 ,使之意识到自身是一个变动中的历史舞台上的演员。
The traditional value outlooks of a nation play both positive and negative roles no its economic development. The key to the question is to give fully play of the positive points but overcome the negative ones. This paper makes a comparative analysis of different presentations of the traditional national value outlooks of the minority nationalities of Miao, Buyi, and Dong during the process of economic development, improves the significance of traditional value outlooks to the national economic development.
Journal of Huaihua University