Since gossypol may have a beneficial effect in the treatment of endometriosis we have examined the effect of gossypol in a rat endometriosis model.Rats (n=24) with surgically induced endometriosis were divided into two treatment groups:vehicle control and gossypol. Each group was further subdivided into two treatment periods of either 2 or 3 weeks of injections. The vehicle (0.5% tween 80)and the dose of gossypol(5.0 mg/kg·day) for this experiment was chosen as a result of our previous studies that were designed to determine the minimus effective dose of gossypol. After 2 or 3 weeks of treatment the weight of the ovary and systemic estradiol concentrations were significantly reduced in the gossypol treated rats versus vehicle control rats(P<0.01).This reduced ovarian activity wasassociated with a decrease in the weight of the uterus and the size of the endometriotic implants (P<0.05). These studies reiterated the suppressive effect of gossypol upon the reproductive system and suggested that gossypol may have a therapeutic benefit in the treatment of endometriosis.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology