在属性上 ,文学思潮具有“史学”性质 ,而创作方法无疑更侧重于“理论”范畴。前者可归入“艺术史学” ,后者则属于“艺术哲学”。就思潮而言 ,无论状态描述 ,还是“思潮史”的梳理 ,主体之于对象的关系始终是一种“历史关系”。对“创作方法”的辩析 ,是文学研究中对流派、作家、作品进行研究的常规手段。文学思潮是在“文学活动”的“历史性”和“心理性”的交叉地带扎下自己生命根须的。“文学活动”的“历史性” (即语境 )从根本上制约着社会审美心理趋进、变化的可能性空间 ,“文学活动”的“心理性”在见证社会历史的同时 ,也以自己的方式给予了永恒的记录。创作方法的观念与规则 ,只有在我们面对具体的艺术成果时才会鲜明化。创作方法归根到底只是有关作品结构与风格状态区分时的存在。创作方法观念的体系性 ,即生成、变化、更迭等 ,依托自身就可以完全被说明。社会活动的变化并不是可以直接越过主体而在创作方法上表现出来。文学思潮的群体性质 ,使其在生成、传播过程中始终保持着对参予艺术活动个体的强大规范力量。创作方法对于文学活动主体的影响作用 ,无法以先置或普通覆盖的方式完成。
Literary trends fall into the realm of Arts History, while creation methodology is, undoubtedly, Arts philosophy. The former is chronological study by nature, since the relation between subject and object has always been historical,whatever it probed by means of status depiction or by combing historical clues of the Trends; the latter is theoretical study, since it is conventionally resort to literary research. The trends of literature root in the soil where overlap the two facets of context, which dictates how variable the social aesthetic mentality is, and the second, the mentality, which serves as unique record of historical events. Creation methodology does not stand out except when a particular literary work turns out and is weighed in terms of structure and style. The systematize of creation method can be illuminated by itself. The transformation of social activity can't be manifested on creative method getting across the main body. The influence of creative method to literary activity's main body can't be accomplished by the way of putting ahead of schedule or ordinary overlay.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
Literary Trends
Creation Methodology