安氏短吻银鱼Neosalanx andersoni(Randahl)曾为辽东湾早春的重要捕捞对象。本文对该鱼的形态特征、繁殖、食性、洄游等进行了调查,并对其分布、精巢数目、资源下降的原因以及繁殖保护的措施作了分析和讨论。
The short-snout jce fish is an important food fish for thefisheries in the early spring along the seashore of Liaodong Bay. Its maximum annualproduticon had reached as much as 1000 tons. The investion on this fish wascarried out from March to June in 1982. The short-snout ice fish is a littoral and migratory marine fish. In their spawn-ing season they swim from south to north as a spawning migration along both sides ofthe bays, but they do not enter the fresh water. The spawning season is chiefly fromApril to the second ten days of May, there are two spawning peaks. The ovary of theice fish contains two groups (large and smell) of eggs. After apawning the spawnersdie gradually. The investigation indicates that each fish can ovulate about 6000--7000eggs on an average. According to the number of eggs remained in the ovary afterspawning, about 2. 8% of eggs can not be extruded. The gonads of male and female both are paired. It is comfirmed through observa-tion of histological dissection that the left testis of the male exactly exists. The formerreport that the male fish for only a right testis is not trre. The fish also feed inspawning period, chief1y on zooplankton. In the female spawning population thereexists a certain number of individuals which are physically strong, but seem to besterile. This is probably one of the important causes why its stock size decreases.
Journal of Fisheries of China