本文报导了1981年6~7月对金州鱼种场的四个鱼池用生石灰排水和带水清塘后水质的变化情况。排水清塘池:pH 24小时可降至10以下,一周左右出现第二次高峰值(晴天可超过10);在此pH高峰时溶氧也达最高值(有时超过20毫克·升^(-1));氨氮和活性磷酸盐有不同程度的增加,前者最高值4~5毫克·升^(-1),后者O.2毫克·升^(-1)左右;其余碱度、硬度、亚硝酸盐、活性硅酸盐等亦有比较明显的变化;浮游植物4~7天达到高峰值(大于10毫克·升^(-1));轮虫5~7天出现高峰值(大于20毫克·升^(-1));枝角类的大量发生紧接轮虫高峰期之后;桡足类的成体生物量始终不大。 带水清塘池的化学、生物变化程序和排水池相似,但在时间和量上有颇大差异。 作者根据清塘后的水质变化规律结合鱼苗下塘问题进行了讨论。
This paper reports the circumstances changed in water quality after clearpond of drain off or hold back water using quicklime in four ponds in Jin Zhou Fingerling Farm from June to July, 1981.The circumstances of the ponds of drain off water:during 24 hours the pH value dropped to below 10, but 2nd peak value was showed approximately after a week (over 10 in fine day) and dissolved oxygen showed peak value at the same time (over 20 mg/l extremely). NH_4-N and PO_4-P increased also, the peak value of the NH_4-N is 4 to 5 mg/l, and the PO_4-P is 0.2 mg/l. The remainders such as nlkalinity hardness NO_2-N. SIO_2. etc. Changed obviously. In the respect of planktons, the phytoplankton developped a peak at 4th to 7th day (over 10 mg/l), the rotatorias was at 5th to 7th day (over 20 mg/l), The cladocerans are closely followed the rotatoria, but adult biomass of the copepoda is a little in all the time.The changing procedures of the biology and chemistry of the ponds of hold back are similar to that of the drain off, but the times and amount are greatly different.How to put fry into cleared-pond with regarding to the changed circumstance of water quality has been discussed in this paper.
Journal of Dalian Fisheries University