文化全球化和数字信息时代的到来 ,使不同国家和地区的人们有更多的机会对以科技发展为主要特征的现代社会生活进行更广阔和更深层面的交流合作及信息共享。科技翻译作为各国科技工作者之间学习、探讨、包容吸收他人先进技术的一座桥梁 ,在促进国际信息交流乃至提高全民科技素质方面起着越来越重要的作用。笔者从经历的困难出发 ,对目前科研单位内科技情报翻译的大环境和存在的主要问题进行探讨 ,并就如何改善不利状况提出几点建议 ,包括如何提高专业技能 ;加强翻译质量管理 ;在阐述如何充分高效运用计算机硬件、翻译软件和网络资源等辅助工具的同时 ,分析了辅助工具可能带来的问题。
The advent of cultural globalisation and data information era characterised by science and technology offers people from all over the world more opportunities of communication and of the sharing of information on a higher level. As a bridge to learn, explore and absorb the advanced technology between workers of science and technology, and the role of science and technology translation in the facilitation of international information exchange and the enhancement of the general quality of all citizens is becoming more and more important. As an intelligence translation agency who has just gone through transition period of the English major, the writer will discuss in this paper the macro-environment of science and technology intelligence translation within the research units, examine the main problems and highlight some suggestions to improve the adverse status, including how to enhance the field skills and to strengthen the management of translation quality. This paper further points out how to utilise auxiliary tools like calculator hardware, translation software and internet efficiently. The problems that may be brought about by the auxiliary tools will also be analysed in this paper.
Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal