农业保险体系是构筑我国保险制度的重要组成部分。而我国农业保险在 2 0世纪 90年代出现了日益萎缩的局面 ,目前面临着农业投入不足 ,缺乏政府政策激励 ,农民保险意识不强等困境。由于农业保险在国民经济中的重要地位 ,以及加入WTO的挑战和解决农业保险面临的困境 。
Agricultural insurance system is an important part of insurance systems in China. However, agricultural insurance appeared to be atrophied increasingly in 1990s. At present, it is faced with deficiency of agricultural investment and governmental policies to stimulate it, shortage of insurance consciousness. Due to significance of agricultural insurance in national economy, this article sets forth some advices in order to be up against the challenge of entry to WTO, and to solve the current problems.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics