
论都铎王权与贵族 被引量:1

On the Tudor Monarchy and Nobility
摘要 强大的王权与衰弱不堪的贵族,一直是人们对都铎王权与贵族关系的传统看法。实际上,强大的王权并不完全是建立在软弱无能的贵族基础上的。都铎王朝的贵族政策充分反映出王权与贵族休戚与共的关系,王权离不开贵族,贵族也离不开王权,二者在根本利益上的一致,决定了他们之间的共生关系,他们之间的合作远远超过冲突。尽管这期间也曾出现过一些波折,但都铎王朝贵族的政治地位依然是稳固的。 It is always believed that the powerful monarchy and the weak nobility were the main contents of the relationship between the Tudor monarchy and nobility. Practically, the powerful monarchy was not totally at the price of the weak nobility. The policy of nobility of the House of Tudor fully reflects the relationship of sharing weal and woe between monarchy and nobility. The monarchy lives on nobility and the nobility lives on the monarchy. The symbiotic relationship between them was determined by the unanimous of their basic interest. The cooperation of them was more important than the conflicts between them. Though there had taken place some twists and turns in the period the political position of the nobility of the House of Tudor was still unshakable.
作者 姜德福
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期21-28,共8页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省教育厅科学技术研究项目计划(B类 20040039)
关键词 都铎王朝 王权 贵族 冲突与合作 政治地位 the house of tudor monarchy nobility conflicts and cooperation political position
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